What is meaning of Qonta? This is the most frequent question we have gone through in last one year. The first reaction is always a smile on our face.
For us it’s a dream, so meaning of Qonta for us is ‘dream comes true’. But people are neither interested in our smile nor in what it’s meaning for us, they want straight, dictionary meaning of it. Albeit English dictionary cannot help (as it is not an English word); it is Sanskrit (one of the oldest language of the world). These days Qonta (pronounce as Kon-ta) is most frequently used in Magdhi (a lingo of ancient Magadh region, and today’s Jharkhand, Bihar and Chhattisgarh region). Usage meaning of konta is ‘the corner’ (I am not sure about dictionary meaning).
The day Manjit expressed his idea of a city based web- portal which may turn up as an IT company, I agreed and asked Kunal and Naveen (our colleagues in Kanbay) to join us. Me, Manjit, Naveen and Kunal used to spend our whole office hours together, so our team members have nick named us – GOF (Gang of four), we really were GOF. So Naveen and Kunal were always the first choice as partner. Unfortunately that could not happen, but they always supported us whole heartedly.
In kanbay we were always eager to discuss and plan our idea (Idea of Qonta). But the idea and plan was secret to rest of team. To keep our secret a secret, we were looking for a nickname. As we always prefer any corner place to discuss, we started to call it Qonta – ‘let’s go to Qonta’. And that’s how name Qonta came into existence. We cherished the nickname so much (as it helped us in initial planning), we decided to name our dream company QONTA.
“This blog was originally published at myqonta.blogspot.com which is official blog of Qonta”